Part 94: Part Ninety-Four: Landings and Take Offs
Part Ninety-Four: Landings and Take Offs
Once Squall finishes confessing to Rinoa, we cut to the Ragnarok's landing site.

Just like the radio operator said, there's a ground crew to meet us.

It's mentioned in the Garden tutorial that calling a sorceress "Hyne's descendant" is a show of respect, but at the same time, there are soldiers here. It's respectful but it's not friendly, if you catch my drift.

Straight to business, eh?
He doesn't waste a lot of time on explanations, but talking about sealing power implies that they're going to do to Rinoa what they did to Adel. Maybe not shoot her into space, but they're still gonna put a teenager in cryostasis without any sort of trial or anything.

Rinoa's not happy about it, but she understands the reasoning. You could consider this Rinoa being in danger, but I'd disagree - there's not really a threat to be averted here, it's more like she's agreeing to be killed.
Estharian Sorceress Catcher: Thank you for understanding. Tell us when you're ready.
This is a small scene in the game, but I think it's very important to understanding something. See, back when we were in Deling City, the Galbadian Peace Ambassador talks about some stuff like this:

There, she talks about how sorceresses were "condemned for generations" and "cold-blooded tyrants." And I think this is a great practical demonstration of that - like I said, Rinoa released Adel, sure, but there''s no trial or deliberation or anything, just the summary execution. This scene isn't presented as anything particularly special, and the game's not about to stop to talk this out, but I think it's an important one if you want to understand Ultimecia's motivation.

Before she goes, Rinoa has one last thing to tell Squall.

I like that she takes the time to mention this. The player can intuit this, and Squall already figured it out, but she doesn't know that. It would be easy to skip this in the script.

This is basically what Edea told us.

Rinoa is as afraid of this as Edea is. If you take it with what said about sorceresses being persecuted, it becomes kind of ironic as Ultimecia creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

She doesn't like it, and she's clearly terrified, but Rinoa makes the decision to get killed.
Estharian Sorceress Catcher: All right. We'll be heading to the Sorceress Memorial.

Well, bye.

She hangs back for a second and gives a little wave.

Neither of them is happy about it.

Well, there she goes, I guess.

I like the defeated tone of this scene, I think it goes well with the stuff in space, thematically. Sometimes you try your best and you still lose. The same thing happened with Edea, when they realised she was their "Matron" but still went to kill her.

Well, let's see what's up on the world map.

Oh, huh.

Those airstation guys apparently decided to land us in the middle of some desert a hundred miles from nowhere.

This is a really big ship.

The elevator's not working right now, so I guess I'll take a nap in the sitting area.

He's clearly frustrated, and now he's really alone to top it off.

While he's standing around, the doors open.

For a broad enough definition, I guess.

This is a good question. The escape pod came down on the other side of the water.

So you're saying that you lost Ellone again, aren't you?

Son of a bitch.

Why did they bring Quistis here instead of taking Squall somewhere else?

Again, for a broad enough definition.

It's pretty obvious, but whichever character you took with you into space is the one who shows up here. Since I took Quistis, this gives her a chance to chat with Squall. This scene is part of why I decided to take her, in fact.

Quistis has not stopped being desperately lonely.

"...At the store."

Just as Squall is about to tell Quistis what happened with Rinoa, the door opens a second time.

And, again, you have to wonder why they brought these guys here instead of taking Squall back to the mainland.

Oh man, this is gonna be great.

And now we know where Rinoa's sorceress powers came from. This also explains the weird stuff that came out of Edea at Galbadia Garden, and what knocked Rinoa out back then.

I'm not sure how Zell would know this. Odine must have told him, I guess.

Hey, I just realised Edea totally called that Adel was alive and Ultimecia would try to get hold of her. I'm sure she's pleased as punch that she was right.

It's a good thing Squall's so stoic, because imagine coming back from almost dying in space to hear this laundry list of fuckups.

"And I still haven't figured out why they brought all of you here instead of taking me there."

Selphie chimes in with the obvious response.

During this conversation, Selphie wanders off.

Shortly after, Irvine follows her, leaving Zell alone to listen to the adults speaking.

Quistis comes back into the scene really strongly. It's the same sort of tone she uses with Rinoa in Deling City, and I think it's as good in this scene as it was in that one.

Her follow-up is better this time, though.
Quistis actually ends up in a really good place as Squall's close friend and trusted advisor at the end of her character arc, I think. She doesn't get to be his lover or his big sister, but it's certainly a much closer relationship than "overly flirty teacher who he wants to leave him alone."

Zell's still the annoying kid who agrees with adults while they yell at you.

Her lecture managed to get through to him, at least.

And so, he makes up his mind to go after Rinoa.

Quistis knows what's up.

I really don't like the use of "Sis" to refer to Ellone. I assume it read better in Japanese and just didn't translate well.

A lot of things in the world are very confusing for Squall.

Did I miss the second "for" in this line when I read it the first time? Yes.

How are we going to get out of the desert, though? Does anyone know how to fly a spaceship?

Quistis will not tell me if she knows how to fly a spaceship.

As you go to leave the room, something happens and everyone is shaken up a little.

Huh. Well, that solves the desert problem.

What, you hope Irvine is driving?

Well, let's go see who's in the seat.

I'll admit, the joke of the rest of the crew calling it perfectly gets a laugh out of me.

Yeah, I know.

A good question to ask.

Good answer.

And we're off!